Hub of expertise

Havainnekuva, jossa tyylikkäitä kerrostaloja järven rannalla.

In Savilahti the potential generated by the hub of international experts, talent and jobs is something both start-ups and large companies can tap into.

The dynamic and open atmosphere of Savilahti encourages connections and exchanges among people, stimulating new innovations, science and business.

A place for development and experiment

An ecosystem mixing business, education, research and health care technology, Savilahti offers a platform that fosters growth for people, businesses, innovation and science. Savilahti and its residents form a natural living environment for testing and developing new services and products.

Hub of expertise

  • Hub of employment opportunities: businesses, educational institutions, research institutes, Kuopio University Hospital
  • The fastest growing hub of commerce in Eastern Finland: more than 200 businesses, with approximately 10 new companies starting each year
  • Three degrees of education: studying, production of skilled labour
  • New business and services and new kinds of urban development solutions

Innovation ecosystem

  • North Savo Startup Fund
  • The innovation ecosystem agreements of university cities 2020–2027 will accelerate innovation in Savilahti. The innovation activities will focus on health and well-being technology as well as water.
  • Kuopio Health – an open innovation ecosystem cooperative
  • Kuopio Water Cluster – formation of an RDI entity within the water sector
  • Savilahti Innovation Platform – new business from top expertise and innovations
  • Health Technology Development Centre – development of operations in the field of health technology
  • Future Savo – The future in Savo, availability of skilled labour
  • Business Center – entrepreneurship and innovation environment: putting together business development services
  • DigiCenter – supporting partners in the application of new digital technology and reducing the threshold for its deployment
  • Kuopio Living Lab – testing platform and operating model for well-being services
  • INGROW – Invest and Grow in Kuopio Region: the invest-IN operating model
  • Invest and Expand in Pohjois-Savo – Enhancing the national and international visibility of the areas of expertise in Northern Savo and attracting new investments to the region
  • OSAaValo – increasing expertise in the field of lighting design
  • VTT Digital Health Project – a concept for data-driven tools


Business Kuopio


Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce

Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment

North Savo Regional Council