Pulse (Pulssi)

The work of art set to be completed in front of the Savilahti sports and event centre Luola in autumn 2024 has been jointly designed by media artist Pasi Rauhala and visual artist Jaakko Niemelä. The work of art will rise on the rugged rock wall on both sides of the entrance, with the movement of light playing a central role. The work consists of numerous circular steel plates attached to the rock and LED lights. When viewed from a distance, the rock surface will seem to be pulsating as the light meets the mirror-like circular shapes of the work. The work will include an element involving the viewer.
Location: Savilahti sports and event centre Luola / Loistekatu 12, Savilahti
Year of completion: 2024
Commissioned by: Facility Services of the City of Kuopio
The artists
Media artist Pasi Rauhala’s work is characterised by spatiality and interaction with the viewer, realised through the utilisation of various sensors and technology. Rauhala has previously produced public works of art, for example in Kalasatama in Helsinki and for the Kumpu school in Outokumpu (in collaboration with Petri Eskelinen). He has also served as an artist member in the jury for the design competition for the grave memorial of President Mauno Koivisto. Recently, Rauhala has utilised light, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, space, video, photograph, installations and performance in his art.
The key elements of the work of visual artist Jaakko Niemelä include various structures, light and shadow, and video animations. He, too, has previously created public works of art, for example for the Chapel of the National Church Council in Helsinki, and Mäntyniemi, the official residence of the President of Finland, together with sculptor Helena Hietanen, his wife. Niemelä was selected as the recipient of the State Art Award in 2005. In recent years, the themes in Niemelä’s art have conveyed his personal experiences, the disintegration of structures and the wider themes of the sea.