Kaleidoscope (Kaleidoskooppi)

Completed in spring 2023, Kaleidoscope is a special lighting element designed for the Sarastuskaari underpasses in the Vanha Varikko area. The reflective geometric roof surface together with the changing coloured light creates a kaleidoscope-like space in the underpasses, and the reflections in different colours create something new for the passer-by to observe.
The lights in the underpasses change every 15 minutes. The lights transform from the current seasonal colour to a random kaleidoscope-like mix of colours, stopping at a symmetrical pattern within approximately 30 seconds. The symmetrical pattern is held for 30 seconds, after which the colours slowly revert back to seasonal lighting. For traffic safety reasons, the change in lighting happens slowly and only once. The Kaleidoscope effect is on between 6:00 and 23:00, while the seasonal colours are on constantly.
The special lighting was designed by Ramboll Valostudio.
The designer
Ramboll Valostudio is a multidisciplinary design team that specialises in light art and architectural lighting, combining in their work aesthetic and creative design to the latest technological possibilities.