Harvest Time (Kauden satoa)

Sculptor and environmental artist Jaakko Pernu designed and implemented the work of environmental art in the middle of the new Iloharju roundabout in autumn 2022. Made of natural materials, the 8.4-metre-high work continues the story of an old pine tree felled from the site during construction. The artist has shaped the tree by peeling the trunk and cutting off branches. Two large pine cones on the sides of the trunk symbolise the good harvest season of the year of completion.
The vegetation in the roundabout forms flash patterns, fitting the electricity theme of the area. The spotlighting implemented to highlight the shapes of the work of art has been designed by Ramboll Finland Oy.
Location: Iloharju roundabout / Iloharjunkatu, Savilahti
Year of completion: 2022
Commissioned by: City of Kuopio
The artist
Sculptor and environmental artist Jaakko Pernu lives and works in Kälviä. In recent years, he has also worked on public art projects in Central Europe and Canada. Pernu’s environmental art is usually great in size, and his works typically depict the interaction between humans and nature.